Planning Boards Meet on Benchmarking

The meetings of the Joint Planning Board (JPB) and the National Council on Development Planning (NCDP) had emphasised on the need for improved national commitment to implementation of development plans as exhibited by other Countries being bench marked by Nigeria such as India, Malaysia and Singapore.

The call was part of the key issues raised and extensively discussed by the Delegates during the annual meetings of the two bodies recently held in Dutse, Jigawa state.

To achieve this goal, the delegates at the meeting, suggested that, States should always prepare a progress report on the implementation of the medium term plan which will indicate achievements as well as challenges, if any to be submitted to the National Planning Commission in order to deepen the coordination of activities between the Federal and State governments

In the same direction also, the meetings encouraged governments at sub national level (states) to make effort to domesticate a draft legislation titled “Development Planning and Project Continuity Bill 2010” which the government at the national level has prepared though the National Planning Commission in order to make development planning compulsory in the Country.

National Planning Commission was also commended for the idea behind this development planning bill which if adopted by the States will ensure consistency in the implementation of the Plan among the different levels of government for passage into law.

By the act establish the commission, National Planning Commission is expected to among other play the role of the central coordinating government agency in all matters concerning strategic planning for development. It was in this direction, States are given the opportunity to share experiences on their development planning efforts through the annual JPB/NCDP meetings.


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