Börner: German Investors Interested In Nigeria’s Business Opportunities
According to Mr Weert Börner, the Consul General of Germany to Nigeria, despite Nigeria’s economic downturns in Nigeria, more German investors are looking to enter the Nigerian market.
Börner said the volume of trade between Nigeria and Germany which reached $3bn in 2023 was likely to increase, noting that in spite of certain difficulties, the Nigerian market was unique and offered various opportunities.
He spoke to newsmen in Lagos while announcing the 11th German-Nigerian business forum scheduled to hold on October 7, 2024, at the Lagos Continental Hotel in Lagos and the 12th edition of West African Clean Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference (WACEE) billed to hold on October 8-9, 2024, at the Balmoral Convention Centre, Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos.
The Consul General said with over 90 German companies in Nigeria, “The annual trade volume was $3 billion in 2023 and it is about $2bn going from Nigeria to Germany strictly based on oil products, some food products and other mixed products.
“The other direction is currently $1 billion of volume Germany to Nigeria which is mainly machinery and chemicals. It is an ongoing process to diversify and also to get more companies involved in the forum.
“German companies offer good jobs for Nigerians and provide vocational training for young Nigerians. They are investing in Nigeria, building factories, and adapting their business models to the local conditions.”
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On the upcoming event, he said it was an annual conference organised by the Delegation of German industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria) and the Afrika Verein, Berlin, Germany supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, German Missions in Nigeria, German-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce.
A delegate from the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria, Timo Pleyer, in his remarks, said the aim of the conference was to create a platform which brings together a diverse array of high-ranking representatives and decision makers from both the Nigerian and German public and private sectors to discuss tropical issues.
He said: “It also aims to highlight opportunities for Nigerian-German partnerships across various business sectors. Industry experts from Germany and Nigeria will be leading the panel discussions at the 11th German-Nigerian Business Forum. These discussions will have a special focus on expert dialogue and outlook on Nigeria’s future. Topics to be discussed include: agribusiness and food processing, energy-renewable and energy efficiency, construction and technical vocational education and training.”
Project Manager of Competence Centre Energy and Environment, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria, Hilary Elegeonye, said WACCE was a global event many companies from many countries across the globe would be in attendance.
“We are offering reduced prices for Nigerian companies because we understand that it will be nice for us to have a balanced mix of Nigerian mix and foreign companies.”